CFM Files
United States Delegation Journal
USDel (PC) (Journal) 18
The commission unanimously elected M. Stankovic (Yugoslavia) as Chairman. After taking the chair, M. Stankovic said that he preferred to leave the election of a Vice Chairman until Monday’s meeting. His suggestion was accepted. A representative of the Czechoslovakia Delegation was then unanimously chosen as rapporteur. M. Clementis (Czechoslovakia) said that the name of the individual selected by his Delegation to serve as rapporteur would be communicated later to the Chairman.
[Page 252]M. Gusev (U.S.S.R.) then made a statement similar to that made by M. Novikov in the Political Commission for Bulgaria. M. Couve de Murville then repeated the same statement which he had made in that commission. General Smith (U.S.) said that the U.S. Delegation had already expressed its views on this question in other commissions concerned with the Balkan treaties. He felt that it was necessary to add only that the U.S. was unable to agree to the Soviet position and was of the opinion that France, having participated in the preparation of the Balkan treaties, was entitled to a voting membership. Mr. Jebb said that he agreed with what his French colleague said. The Chairman stated that the statements of the Soviet, French, U.S., and U.K. Delegations would be annexed to the record of the meeting.21
- The declarations on French participation made at the 1st Meeting of the Political and Territorial Commission for Rumania, August 16, are printed in the extract from the Record of Decisions of that meeting, p. 245. Similar statements were delivered by the Four Powers at the initial meeting of each commission concerned with the Balkan and Finnish treaties.↩