CFM Files
United States Delegation Journal
USDel (PC) (Journal) 17
The first item of business was the election of the Chairman of the Commission and the representative of the United Kingdom nominated the representative of Poland13 who was elected unanimously after the Secretary General had ruled that a proposal of the Belgian representative for election by secret ballot was out of order in the absence of more than one nomination for the position. The representative of China14 was thereupon elected Vice-Chairman by unanimity upon the nomination of General Catroux of France. Coming to the election of the rapporteur the Soviet representative nominated the United States, observing in so doing that it was unnecessary to dwell on the eminent role of the United States in the fight against Hitlerite Germany and its satellite. Admiral Conolly expressed his appreciation of the Soviet gesture but observed that, because of the position which had been taken by the United States in the preceding meetings of the Political-Territorial Commission for Italy and the Economic Commission [Page 249] on Italy, he must decline and request that the nomination be withdrawn.15 Brazil then nominated the Belgian representative, who declined on grounds of insufficient staff, and a following nomination of Norway by the Ukraine was declined on similar grounds. The Chairman thereupon suggested that in view of the apparent difficulties involved, election should be postponed until the next meeting, and he adjourned the meeting at that point.
- General Mossor; Colonel Naszkowski of the Polish delegation acted as Chairman pending the arrival of General Mossor.↩
- Foo Ping Cheung.↩
- Regarding the United States position on this question, see the United States Delegation Journal accounts of the following meetings: 12th Meeting of the Commission on Procedure, August 7, p. 130; 1st Meeting of the Political and Territorial Commission for Italy, August 13, p. 198; and the 1st Meeting of the Economic Commission for Italy, August 13, p. 199.↩