CFM Files
United States Delegation Journal
USDel (PC) (Journal) 17
Dr. Korbel (Czechoslovakia) was elected Chairman, and the representative of Australia was elected Vice-Chairman (Mr. Beasley of Australia informed the Commission he would serve temporarily in that capacity). M. Gerashchenko (USSR) was elected rapporteur. M. Gousev (USSR) made a statement similar to that made in the Political Commissions that only those members of the Commission listed in the preambles to the respective treaties should have the right to vote. M. Alphand (France) reserved the French Delegation’s position as to such an interpretation of the rules of procedure. He stated that it was not within the competence of the Commission but rested [Page 247] with the General Commission or the Plenary Conference. Mr. Gregory (UK) agreed with M. Alphand but said he assumed that until such time as a decision had been taken all the states members of the Commission would be entitled to take part not only in the discussions but also in the decisions. Mr. Cohen (US) pointed out that the question was not on the Commission’s agenda and was not relevant to any issue before the Commission. He indicated the U.S. disagreed with the Soviet viewpoint and suggested the Commission should merely take note of the differing views.12 M. Gousev concluded the discussion by agreeing the question did not fall within the competence of the Commission.
- Regarding the views of the Four Powers on the question of French participation on Balkan and Finnish commissions, see the declarations contained in the extract from the Record of Decisions of the 1st Meeting of the Political and Territorial Commission for Rumania, August 16, printed supra.↩