CFM Files
United States Delegation Journal
USDel (PC) (Journal) 14
At the afternoon meeting of the Conference M. Tatarescu, Vice Premier and Foreign Minister of Rumania, presented the views of his Government on the draft peace treaty with Rumania. He dwelt at length on Rumania’s contribution to the Allied cause after its break with Germany in August, 1944. He expressed satisfaction over the decision of the CFM on the Rumanian-Hungarian frontier. On economic questions he made a claim for the payment of reparation to Rumania by Germany and by Hungary and also protested against the severity of the economic clauses of the draft treaty providing for compensation to United Nations nationals.
M. Vyshinsky (USSR) paid tribute to the efforts of Rumania in the Allied cause since August, 1944. He stated also that Rumania had fulfilled loyally all the clauses of the Armistice including reparation obligations. He stated the view that Rumania had suffered losses through German action and should be compensated therefor. With reference to the economic clauses, particularly those which dealt with compensation to United Nations nationals for property losses, he felt there should be compensation only in part as was the case in the payment of reparation by Rumania to the Soviet Union.
M. Masaryk (Czechoslovakia) made a brief speech in which he called attention to the way in which the Rumanian people had helped Czechoslovakia at a very difficult time in the latter’s history. He mentioned also the gratitude of the Czechoslovak people for the help which the Rumanian Army had contributed to the liberation of Czechoslovakia in the closing stages of the war.
The Chairman (Mr. Byrnes) stated that the Bulgarian Delegation would appear before the Conference at 10 a.m. the next day to state the views of the Bulgarian Government on the draft peace treaty with Bulgaria, and that the Hungarian Delegation would appear at 4 p.m. to make a statement on the draft peace treaty with Hungary.
It was decided to authorize the Secretary General to assign to the Political-Territorial Commission for Italy and the Economic Commission for Italy the appropriate clauses of the Italian Treaty for their consideration.