CFM Files

United States Delegation Minutes



[Mr. Jordon (New Zealand):] As matters stood 35% would overrule 65%. If such were to be the case there should be no further talk of democracy. It was farcical to say that a decision could be reached in this Committee by a simple majority which would require the same members to vote by a two-thirds majority in another place, i.e. the Conference. Such an attitude indicated a lack of a sense of humor. He recalled the case of a forum at an English university where it had been decided by majority vote that the minority was always right. There was danger of doing the same sort of thing here. He was confident that Mr. Byrnes and Mr. Bevin and other members of the Council of Foreign Ministers would be honest and fair regardless of the type of vote, but it was absurd that, if one wanted to do something, one had one vote but that if one wanted to obstruct something he should have two votes. He questioned whether some of the members there represented had any such majorities behind them in the countries from which they came. It was the decision of the New Zealand Delegation to support a simple majority (applause).