CFM Files

United States Delegation Journal

USDel (PC) (Journal) 5

The Polish proposal that Poland should be represented on the Balkan Economic Commission was opposed by the Australian, U.S., U.K., South African and Netherlands Delegations on the grounds that the matter had been settled by the decision of the previous day on representation in the commissions. The Polish Delegation withdrew its proposal.

The New Zealand Delegation proposed the following amendment to the suggested rules of procedure: “The chairmanship of the Conference will be held by the representative of the host government.” Similar amendments were submitted by the Brazilian and Netherlands Delegations. M. Vyshinsky (U.S.S.R.) favored acceptance of the original proposal for rotating chairmanship. He was supported by M. Lange (Norway) and M. Pijade (Yugoslavia). Mr. McNeil [Page 85] (U.K.) proposed the personal nomination of M. Bidault as Chairman. M. Couve de Murville (France) said that the important factor was to have a Chairman elected unanimously. He recommended that the amendments be withdrawn and the original proposal of the Council of Foreign Ministers be accepted. It was decided to defer further consideration of the matter until M. Bidault might be consulted.