CFM Files

United States Delegation Journal

USDel (PC) (Journal) 54

A schedule for the completion of the Commission’s work by October 5 was adopted unanimously. The Chairman was authorized to invite the Hungarian and Finnish representatives to be heard after consideration of the respective treaties had been completed. A time limit of 24 hours after hearing the Finnish and Hungarian representatives was set for the tabling of amendments. The Record of the 26th meeting was adopted unanimously. The Greek amendment forbidding motor torpedo boats to Bulgaria was carried 13 to 6 with Ethiopia and France abstaining.71 The Soviet Delegation maintained that this was a less than two-thirds majority and so the decision could not go to the Conference as a recommendation of the Commission. General Balmer opposed this contention and the rapporteur was authorized to address a letter to the Secretary General asking for a ruling on the question of the basis for calculating a two-thirds majority. General Catroux, the French Delegate, maintained that an abstention was an expression of opinion and was not equivalent to an absence. After this discussion Article 12 was adopted with the wording regarding torpedoes which had been agreed to in the treaties previously considered.72 Article 13 was adopted unanimously. Discussion of Article 14 was adjourned against the opposition of the U.S. and British Delegates73 and a vote to adjourn was carried 16 to 3 with Belgium and Norway absent. Two meetings will be held on September 28.

  1. Regarding the Greek amendment, see the United States Delegation Journal account of the 26th Meeting, September 26, p. 566. In the form approved by the Commission, the amendment inserted “M.T.B.S.” [motor torpedo boats] after the words “other submersible craft” in article 12. (CFM Files: Record of Decisions).
  2. On this point the Journal is in error; the Commission decided to defer adoption of article 12.
  3. The Soviet Delegation also opposed adjournment (CFM Files: United States Delegation Minutes).