CFM Files
United States Delegation Journal
USDel (PC) (Journal) 50
The Commission resumed consideration of the Yugoslav amendments (CP(Gen)Doc. 1 U 7 and 8) to Article 13. Although the first paragraph as well as subsection (a) of the second paragraph of amendment U 7 had already been voted on and disposed of, Mr. Vyshinsky (USSR) asked the Commission to reconsider all of the second paragraph of the amendment including its three subsections (a), (b) and (c). He said that after further consideration the Soviet Union would have to vote against these portions of the amendment and expressed the hope that the Yugoslav Delegation would not press them. Mr. Bebler (Yugoslavia) asked that the Commission vote on the amendment (U. 7) as a whole. It was defeated by a vote of 5 to 13 with 2 abstentions.
[Page 513]Mr. Jebb (UK) referred to the second Yugoslav amendment (U.8) to Article 13 and said that after due reflection the UK Delegation could accept the first and third paragraphs. He therefore suggested that the Commission adopt in principle paragraphs (1) and (3) of the amendment and refer them to the Legal and Drafting Commission for more appropriate legal phraseology. There should also be included, he said, some language to provide that persons in Italian territory opting for Yugoslav citizenship may be required to move to Yugoslavia. Paragraphs 1 and 3 of the Yugoslav amendment (U. 8), as modified by the British proposal, were adopted in principle without objection.
Mr. Bebler defended the second paragraph of the Yugoslav amendment but when put to the Commission it was rejected by an 8 to 10 vote with 2 abstentions. Thereafter, all of Article 13 as amended by the US-Australian proposal (para 4) was adopted by a vote of 12 to 2 with 6 abstentions. Most of the abstaining countries had opposed the US proposal which now forms part of the amended article.
The Commission then passed to the consideration of Article 17 (Italian colonies). Sig. Bonomi (Italy) presented the views of the Italian Delegation with respect to the provision of this article. He supported the proposed Italian amendment (Doc. 4 bis (P)).6 (For full text of his remarks see (CP(IT/P) Doc. 68.)7 The Italian Delegation was escorted from the room at the conclusion of their statement. M. Wagyp Ghali Pacha (Egypt) spoke on behalf of the Egyptian Delegation with respect to the Italian colonies. (For text of his remarks see (CP(IT/P) Doc. 64.)7 The Chairman said that in accordance with the rules of the Secretariat he was authorized to invite the Egyptian Delegation to remain during the discussion on Article 17. M. Ato Aklilou (Ethiopia) made a speech in support of his Delegation’s amendment (CP(Gen)Doc. 1 H 1) to restore Eritrea in full sovereignty to Ethiopia immediately. (For full text of Ethiopian Delegate’s remarks see (CP(IT/P) Doc. 59.)7 Sr. Fernandes (Brazil) withdrew his Delegation’s amendment to Article 17 (CP(Gen)Doc. 1 E 5) in view of the Italian Delegation’s acceptance of that part of the CFM decision postponing final disposition of the colonies for a year. (For text of his remarks see (CP(IT/P)Doc. 63.)7 Mr. Mcintosh (New Zealand) introduced and spoke in favor of his Delegation’s amendment to Article 17 (CP(Gen)Doc. 1 M 1) providing for the renunciation of Italian sovereignty over the colonies in favor of the United Nations.