CFM Files
United States Delegation Journal
USDel (PC) (Journal) 45
The Commission continued consideration of the Yugoslav–Free Territory frontier and related amendments. The representative of Byelo-Russia spoke in favor of his Delegation’s amendment to Article 16 (CP Gen. Doc. 1 D 2) which reduces the limits of the Free Territory to the City of Trieste. Sir Samuel Runganadhan (India) considered that the frontier established by the Council of Foreign Ministers was the one most likely to ensure peaceful relations between Italy and Yugoslavia and for that reason the Indian delegation would support the pertinent draft articles in the Treaty and vote against all amendments. (For full text of his remarks see CP (IT/P) Doc. 50).31 The representative of Yugoslavia spoke against the South African amendment [C.P. (Gen.) Doc. 1.S.2] and in favor of the Yugoslav position with respect to the Free Territory. M. Winiewicz (Poland) supported the Byelo-Russian amendment and argued against the South African.
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