CFM Files
United States Delegation Journal
USDel (PC) (Journal) 43
A proposal of Admiral Conolly’s which modified that of Colonels Haya-Ud-Din (India) and Clementin (France) was accepted to insert in the Record of the 16th meeting14 the fact that a vote had been taken on the procedure to be followed in inviting the Albanian representatives to be heard before the Commission. Admiral Conolly proposed also that the motions of the French Delegation and of the British Delegation be inserted in the Record. The object of this proposal was to show that there had been no opposition to the principle of inviting the Albanian representatives to be heard but only to the method for hearing them.
Admiral Conolly’s insistence that the rules of procedure laid down for the Commission by the Plenary Conference be followed resulted in the modification of a Ukrainian proposal to invite the Albanian representatives to join in the discussion of the final form for the Italian Treaty. General Slavin (U.S.S.R.) proposed a modification of the Ukrainian proposal so that the Albanians would be invited to join in the discussion of the Italian Treaty when the amendments based upon the Albanian memorandum were taken up. He suggested that if the Albanians wished to be heard later on other points that the question could be discussed when the occasion arose. Everyone agreed to this procedure. The next meeting was set for 10:00 a.m., September 17th.