CFM Files
United States Delegation Journal
USDel (PC) (Journal) 39
The Commission continued for the third consecutive day consideration of the Yugoslav amendment to Article 3. The proposed Yugoslav line in the “Venetian Slovenia” sector was supported by M. Petrovsky (Ukraine). M. Bebler (Yugoslavia) then proceeded to the defense of the third sector of the Yugoslav line in the Gorizia area. His position in this respect subsequently was supported by the Representatives of Czechoslovakia and Poland. The Representative of Czechoslovakia further proposed the establishment of a subcommission of nine members to study the frontier around Gorizia and the Yugoslav and Byelo-Russian amendments (C.P.(Gen.) 1 U 3 and 1 D 1) [C.P. (Gen.) Doc.1.U.3 and C.P.(Gen.)Doc. 1.D.1]. Senhor Fernandes (Brazil) favored the creation of a subcommission but only if it studied and reported on the entire Italo-Yugoslav frontier and all amendments proposed thereto. Mr. Dunn said that the United States Delegation was not convinced of the need to transfer consideration of the Gorizia section of the proposed Italo-Yugoslav frontier to a subcommission; that a full exposition of the subject had already been heard and that documentation and statistics were before the Commission. He concluded that the United States Delegation would prefer to have further development of the question remain in the full Commission. Mr. Officer (Australia) agreed with the U.S. view. Mr. Jordaan (South Africa) asked the Czech Delegate to defer consideration of his motion until after the Yugoslav defense of the fourth and last part of their proposed line is heard tomorrow. The Delegate of Czechoslovakia agreed.