CFM Files
United States Delegation Journal
USDel (PC) (Journal) 38
The Commission adopted the Record of the 7th meeting. After a protracted discussion in which the Czechoslovak, Soviet and Ukraine Representatives spoke against and the U.K. and U.S. representatives spoke in favor of the U.K. new proposal on an additional clause covering human rights (C.P. (Rou/P) Doc. 9 Revised, September 4),71 the proposal was carried by 7 votes to 5. The White Russian, Czechoslovak, [Page 419] Ukraine, Soviet and French Delegations voted against the proposal; the French Delegate stating that he wished it to be entered in the Record that if a similar proposal were tabled for all the draft peace treaties he would be in favor of it. The Commission thereupon passed to consideration of the Australian proposal on a Court of Human Rights. The Australian Representative stated that he wished to withdraw this proposal pending consideration of it in the Legal and Drafting Commission. The Commission thereupon considered Article 35 (Execution of Treaty). The Australian Delegation, after expressing views similar to those which were set forth in the Finnish Commission, withdrew the Australian amendment. Article 35 was then adopted.
The amendment was as follows:
Article 3 A—“Roumania further undertakes that the laws in force in Roumania shall not, either in their content or in their application, discriminate or entail any discrimination between persons of Roumanian nationality on the ground of their race, sex, language or religion, whether in reference to their persons, property, business, professional or financial interests, status, political or civic rights, or any other matters.”