CFM Files
United States Delegation Journal
USDel (PC) (Journal) 33
The Delegate of the United Kingdom said he was prepared to accept the French redraft of Article 47 (see USDel (PC) (Journal) 31)29 with one slight change, i.e. delete “part A” in the second paragraph. The correction was accepted and Article 47 as amended was adopted unanimously.
The Greek Delegation put forward an amendment to Article 58 (CP Gen Doc. 1 J 8) which was intended to ensure that Italy return or replace war matériel which she had stolen or destroyed in the war with Greece. General Catroux (France) read a declaration of the Four Great Powers as follows:
“War matériel delivered under Article 58, paragraphs 1 and 3, will in its entirety be put at the disposal of the USSR, USA, UK and France.
“In the disposal of this matériel by joint decision of the Four Powers they will take into consideration the demands made by other Allied and Associated Powers and in particular by powers from whom Italy took matériel.
“The present declaration does not concern the questions treated in Article 48 of the draft treaty.”
Mr. Dragoumis (Greece) said that if the interpretation given Articles 58, 65, and 75 by the Four Great Powers was accepted as official, he would withdraw the Greek amendment. He was particularly concerned that the term “property” in Article 65 should include “war matériel”. Mr. Alexander (U.K.) assured that “war matériel” was included, but that the question could be referred to the rapporteur who could ask the Economic Commission for confirmation. General Slavin (U.S.S.R.) opposed the idea that the Commission seek confirmation but believed that the Greek Delegate could ask the Economic Commission on his own responsibility. Eventually, it was decided to postpone the vote on Article 58 until confirmation of Mr. Alexander’s interpretation of “property” was received by the Commission [from the Economic Commission for Italy].
During the course of the debate on the Greek amendment the Delegate of the Netherlands asked if vessels listed under Annex 4 B (referred to in Article 48) could be disposed of in a manner similar to other war matériel specified in Article 58. The Netherlands Delegate felt that there was a contradiction between the declaration of the [Page 361] Four Great Powers and Section 6 [Part VI—Claim Arising Out of the War] of the Draft Treaty in view of the definitions of category IV under Annex 5(C).30 Mr. Alexander replied that the Great Powers reserved the right to dispose of excess war matériel and that the procedure had already been adopted in Article 48. He thought that the Netherlands should present claims to the Council of Foreign Ministers in accordance with Article 48, paragraph e.31
Articles 59, 60, and 61 were adopted without amendment.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:40 p.m.
The next meeting will be held at 10:00 a.m., September 5, 1946.