CFM Files

United States Delegation Journal

USDel (PC) (Journal) 33

Consideration of Article 3 (frontier between Italy and Yugoslavia) was continued. The representative of Czechoslovakia supported the Yugoslav amendment thereto (CP Gen Doc. 1 U 3). The South African representative spoke in favor of his Delegation’s amendment (CP(IT/P)Doc. 21).27 Senhor Fernandes (Brazil) spoke in favor of the Brazilian memorandum (CP Gen Doc. 1 E 2). He reserved the right to submit an alternate Brazilian amendment to Articles 3 and 4 (CP(IT/P)Doc. 23)28 if the first amendment met with effective opposition from the four sponsoring powers, which he foresaw. The representative of Byelorussia presented and supported his Delegation’s amendment to Article 3 (CP Gen Doc. 1 D 1).

Senator Connally said that the United States Delegation believed that Sections 3, 4, and 16 should be treated as one question since the new frontier and the organic structure of the Free Territory were inextricably bound. He said that his Delegation wished to see the creation of a free state which would command the respect of both Yugoslavia and Italy and would protect the people, their fundamental liberties, and their property in the new territory. The Senator made an effective plea for tolerance, patience and understanding in the settlement of the delicate question of Trieste and the Italo-Yugoslav frontier, reminding the delegates that they were at a peace conference where immediate selfish national interests should be replaced by long-range policies in the interest of a durable and stable peace in that area and in the world.

  1. For substance, see the first item in Chapter IV of C.P.(Plen) Doc. 24, the report of the Commission, vol. iv, p. 323.
  2. Not printed.