C.F.M. Files: Lot M–88: Box 2063: Records of Decision

Record of Decisions, Council of Foreign Ministers, Second Session, Ninth Meeting, Palais du Luxembourg, Paris, May 4, 1946, 11 a.m.

C.F.M.(46) 9th Meeting, 4 May, 1946.


M. G. Bidault (Chairman)
M. Couve de Murville
Gen. Catroux
M. R. Massigli
M. H. Alphand
M. Fouques Duparc
U.S.A. U.K.
Mr. J. Byrnes Mr. E. Bevin
Senator Connally Mr. H.M.G. Jebb
Senator Vandenberg Mr. A Duff-Cooper
Hon. J. C. Dunn Sir Maurice Peterson
Mr. Cohen Mr. O.C. Harvey
Admiral Hewitt
Gen. Lincoln
Mr. Matthews
Mr. Bohlen
Mr. V.M. Molotov
Mr. A.Y. Vyshinsky
Mr. V.G. Dekanozov
Mr. F.T Gousev
Mr. A.Y. Bogomolov
M. V.K. [K.V.?] Novikov

I. Minutes

The Council approved the Minutes of their Third Meeting.

II. Italo-Yugoslav Frontier

The Council discussed the question of the Italo-Yugoslav frontier (C.F.M. (46) 5).21

III. Date of the Next Meeting

The next meeting of the Council of Foreign Ministers was fixed for the same day (4th May) at 5 p.m./.

Paris, 8 mai, 1946.

  1. Dated April 27, 1946, p. 140.