740.00119 EW/10–1946
The Secretary of State to the British Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs (Bevin)
Dear Ernie: In your letter no. PC 1072 of October 940 you sent to me copies of letters which you had received from Messrs. Molotov and Bidault giving their views on your suggested reply to Dr. Wang Shih-chieh regarding the application of the Berlin and Moscow Agreements to the conclusion of the peace settlement with Germany.
I agree with you and Mr. Bidault that there is no objection to the procedure suggested by Dr. Wang. However, since Mr. Molotov has a different view and since he seems to have already replied to Dr. Wang, it is clear that there is no longer a question of agreeing at this time on an identical letter to be sent by the four of us.
I have just been informed by Mr. Bidault that he replied to Dr. Wang on October 15 in the terms of the draft he sent to you for approval on October 8.41 I imagine you have also sent your reply by this time. I am therefore today sanding Dr. Wang my comments on the question he has raised and enclose a copy for your information.42 I am also furnishing copies to Messrs. Molotov and Bidault.
Sincerely yours,