C.F.M. Files: Lot M–88: Box 2061: CFM Documents
Report by the Economic Committee to the Conference of Deputies of the Council of Foreign Ministers93
C.F.M. (46) 59
The Economic Committee submits the following report to the Deputies having held, in Paris, eight Economic Committee Meetings, and two Joint Meetings with the Reparation Committee.
I. United Nations Property in Italy
The Committee are agreed that the United Nations property shall be returned as it exists at present. The questions of restoration to the condition in which it existed at the outbreak of war and of compensation are still under discussion.
II. Restitution of Loot
The Committee are agreed that looted property shall be returned. The definition of the property to be covered by this principle, and the conditions of return are still under discussion.
III. Italian Property in United Nations Territory
The question of Italian assets in the territories of the United Nations was discussed in principle in the Reparation Committee who did not present an agreed report. Further discussion in the Economic Committee was accordingly deferred.
[Page 321]IV. Economic and Financial Provision relating to Ceded territories
This matter has been discussed in part with the reparation Committee and also in the Economic Committee in London. Discussion continues.
V. Other questions referred to the Economic Committee.
The Committee have not yet discussed the following questions, but various papers on these subjects are before the Committee:
- Industrial Property
- Contracts, Prescriptions and Judgments
- Improper Judgments and Prize Court Proceeding
- Renunciation of Claims
- Commercial Relations
- Transport and Shipping
- Mercantile Marine and Shipbuilding clauses
- Civil Aviation
- Claim by and on former enemy territories.
Paris, 9 May, 1946.