711.94114A O.T./8–1845

The Chief of the Special War Problems Division (Plitt) to the Thai Chargé (Bhakdi)

My Dear Mr. Chargé d’Affaires: I refer to the Minister’s letter of August 18, 1945,46 addressed to Mr. Moffat in which he indicated that the Thai authorities would be pleased to look after Allied prisoners of war liberated in Thailand. The Thai Regent suggested that the Japanese Government be instructed forthwith to deliver the [Page 1309] Allied prisoners in Thailand to the Thai authorities who would give them the best possible treatment until they could be repatriated.

The kind offer of the Thai authorities has been brought to the attention of the American military authorities who, I am sure, will be most pleased to have the assistance of the Thai authorities.

Reports received in the Department of State from Thailand indicate that the Thai resistance movement has been most helpful to Allied authorities engaged in the liberation and repatriation of Allied nationals in Thailand.

Please accept my thanks for the assistance which you and your representatives in Thailand have been able to give to the American authorities.

Sincerely yours,

Edwin A. Plitt
  1. Not printed.