
The British Embassy to the Department of State

His Majesty’s Embassy is directed to transmit to the Department of State for the secret information of the United States Government the following particulars regarding the visit of a Siamese Mission to Ceylon:—

Admiral Mountbatten37 has been instructed by His Majesty’s Government in his dealings with this Mission to confine himself, as Supreme Allied Commander, to discussion of purely military matters affecting operations against the Japanese. Should the Siamese Mission express a desire to raise political issues, he is to decline to discuss them, saying that he can only report what is said by the Mission in any political matter for consideration of the Allied Governments.
Admiral Mountbatten is however authorized to speak to the leader of the Mission on the lines of the following formula:

“It is the desire of His Majesty’s Government to see the restoration of a free sovereign and independent Thailand and a renewal of old friendly relations between Great Britain and Thailand. But the road to be trodden before this goal is reached is not a smooth one. Much will depend on measures which Thailand takes to contribute towards expulsion of Japanese from Thai territory and towards the ultimate defeat of Japan; and on her readiness

to make restitution to His Majesty’s Government and their Allies for injury done to them in consequence of Thailand’s association with Japan
to ensure security and good-neighbourly relations for the future. For the time being His Majesty’s Government’s interest is concentrated upon expulsion of the Japanese. Any proposals going beyond this which the Mission may have to make will of course be reported to His Majesty’s Government for consideration but cannot be discussed with present Mission in the absence of express instructions of His Majesty’s Government.”

  1. Lord Louis Mountbatten, Supreme Allied Commander, Southeast Asia Command.