892.01/2–245: Telegram

The Ambassador in China (Hurley) to the Secretary of State

160. ReEmbstel 159, February 2, 11 a.m.24 In discussing this

matter Soong25 assured me that China has no territorial ambitions [Page 1247] in respect to Thailand and desires to see the development of a free Thailand. While indicating that the Chinese Government favors the establishment in Chungking of a “provisional free Thai Government” he also gave me assurances that the Chinese wish to cooperate with us in regard to every aspect of this question and also to seek and follow our advice and suggestions. He also said that his government would be agreeable to the setting up of a Thai Government in exile at Washington.

It is my personal opinion that we should encourage the establishment here of a “provisional free Thai Government”. I am not convinced by Eden’s statement (reDept’s 54 January 10) that the British want to see Thailand after the war restored as an independent, free and solid state. I feel that if we do not move forward in this matter the British will succeed in out-maneuvering us and the Chinese and in gaining some measure of control over Thailand. However, I am of course mindful of the Department’s instructions and will endeavor to facilitate the proposed journey to Washington of such a group.26

  1. Not printed; it gave the text of a letter of September 9, 1944, from the Thai Regent to Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek in which the Regent stated he was sending a mission to China to seek recognition by the Allied Powers and permission to establish a provisional government or an organ of similar nature on Allied territory.
  2. T. V. Soong, Chinese Minister for Foreign Affairs.
  3. In telegram 169, February 5, 2 p.m., the Ambassador in China reported a request by Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek that President Roosevelt be informed of his view that “it would be advantageous to have formed in Chungking a Free Thai Committee to be headed by the present Thai Minister in Washington”. (8921/2–545)