811B.00/9–1545: Telegram
The Consul General at Manila (Steintorf) to the Secretary of State
[Received September 16—12:02 p.m.]
681. Remy 675, September 15.15 Following is condensed summary of conversation with President Osmeña on morning of September 13 concerning treatment of Philippine collaborators.
President Osmeña opened the conversation by stating he had received a strong telegram from Secretary Ickes on subject and had replied thereto. He then gave me copies of both telegrams. He then began detailed discussion of entire subject after requesting first that I refrain from comment until he had finished his explanation. He stated his position on collaboration was in accordance with the proclamation which he made in Leyte October 1944 after being approved by General MacArthur and Secretary Stimson. He stated that despite repeated efforts he had been unsuccessful in obtaining any other intimation of official American policy. He protested that serious difficulties had been experienced in promptly effecting mechanism for trial and punishment of collaborators owing to (1) liberation of Manuel Roxas by General MacArthur and Roxas’ subsequent political activities which “divided the country on the collaborationist issue”; (2) refusal of military authorities to make available information on cases against collaborators prior to their being turned over to Commonwealth for punishment; (3) defects in Philippine law which necessitated establishment of a special court for trial of collaborators and political maneuvers by certain elements which delayed legislation for establishment of such a court; (4) requirement of Philippine law that no person might be detained for more than 6 hours without presentation of formal charges against him. As a result of these various [apparent omission of remainder of message].
- Not printed.↩