811B.00/9–545: Telegram
The Consul General at Manila (Steintorf) to the Secretary of State
[Received September 5—3:50 a.m.]
617. President Osmeña after conferring with Council of State issued Executive Order No. 65, Sept 37 entitled “providing for the provisional release on bail of political prisoners, prior to the institution of the corresponding criminal cases against them, suspending, insofar as they are concerned, the application of article 125 of the revised penal code, and for other purposes”. There are reported to be 3,800 to 4,000 collaborators now in jail as a result of evidence against them collected by CICAUS8 (my 521, Aug 13 and DTS 311, 321, Aug 21 and 24 respectively9).
Under this Executive Order rich and powerful collaborators who provide bail will be released while those unable provide bail will remain in jail. It is expected that the seven Senators and about the same number of Representatives now under detention will be released on bail and take the [opportunity to in-?] fluence legislation affecting persons accused of collaboration including themselves. A bill is now before Congress providing for establishment of a special court to try cases of collaboration.
Liberals, guerrillas and anti-collaborationists are very bitter over this matter. They feel that American Govt should have taken some action. They refer to President Roosevelt’s statement of June 29, 194410 in which he said “those who have collaborated with the enemy must be removed from authority and influence over the political and economic life of the country”. Complaints that collaborators have benefited most from liberation of Philippines are heard increasingly often. One former guerrilla told an officer of Consulate General that there will be no “guerrillas” in next war.