Records of the Executive Secretariat, Lot 122, Box 20
Report by the Executive Committee on Economic Foreign Policy61
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According to a press release issued by the Philippine Government on February 15, 1945 the Filipino group of the Commission62 submitted to Senator Millard E. Tydings, Chairman of the Commission, a proposal under which there would be free trade between the United [Page 1216] States and the Philippines except that the basic quotas established by the Independence Act,63 as amended by the Act of August 7, 193964 would be retained. This arrangement would continue in force for twenty years after independence is declared and would remain in force thereafter “unless either the United States Government or the Government of the Philippines will desire to change, modify, or terminate the arrangement, in which case, a five year prior notice shall be given after the fifteenth year from the date of the proclamation of Philippine independence.”
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