856D.00/12–3145: Telegram
The Ambassador in the Netherlands (Hornbeck) to the Secretary of State
[Received January 2, 1946—12:04 p.m.]
342. ReEmbtel 338, December 30. Statement begins with reference to Netherland Govt’s desire to acquaint British Govt with intentions of future policy in respect of NEI (Netherlands East Indies) and sets forth a program which it declares must be submitted “for approval of states general and electorate in view of necessity amendments that will have to be made in constitution and laws of country” points in which may be summarized as follows:
There shall be a Commonwealth of Indonesia as partner in the Kingdom of Netherlands and composed of territories possession [possessing?] different degrees of autonomy. There shall be an Indonesian citizenship and Indonesian citizens shall be entitled to exercise all civic rights in all parts of kingdom. Governor General nominated by Crown shall appoint and discharge Ministers of Commonwealth and these Ministers shall preferably and predominantly be Indonesian citizens accountable for their policy to competent legislative body. Legislative body (People’s Council) shall consist of representatives of autonomous territories and of minorities. Majority of all representative bodies shall be elected and shall contain substantial majority of Indonesians. Franchise shall progressively be extended.
Netherland Kingdom shall retain responsibility for maintenance of democratic principles, fundamental rights and efficiency of administration. Following establishment of foregoing structure Netherland Kingdom will as soon as possible promote admission of Indonesian Commonwealth as member of UNO.46 Relationship between parts of kingdom will be reconsidered on basis of complete partnership after few years and should there exist any differences on internal or external affairs these differences shall be submitted to conciliation procedure or, if necessary, arbitration. Lieutenant Governor Van Mook shall continue discussions with Indonesian leaders, and as soon as possibilities of agreement have been sufficiently explored discussions will be continued in Netherlands between representative group of Indonesians and Dutch authorities.
Annexed to statement is an outline of internal policy to be put into effect immediately, as follows:
- 1.
- Indonesian citizens shall systematically and progressively be given access to the higher positions of Govt and of private enterprise (Indianisation) [(Indonesation?)];
- 2.
- All racial discrimination shall be eradicated;
- 3.
- Educational policy shall increasingly be directed at abolishing illiteracy and at developing Indonesian languages as instruments of modern cultural life;
- 4.
- Economic policy shall aim at raising standard of living of people, at increasing national wealth and at promoting participation of Indonesian citizens in private enterprise; and
- 5.
- Private rights affected by war, occupation or political unrest shall as far as possible be restored. Need of non-Indonesian capital to promote development of country shall be recognized.
- United Nations Organization.↩