
The Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Winant) to the Secretary of State

12323. Sterndale Bennett expressed to me this morning his appreciation of Dept’s attitude on the situation in Netherlands Indies as given in Dept’s 10147, November 20. He said that situation in Java was somewhat altered at present from that outlined in his previous talks with us (Embassy’s 11701 and 1192627) inasmuch as main difficulty now is in getting representatives of the Indonesian leaders who have been consulted so far [apparent omission] have been either able [unable?] or willing [unwilling?] to speak for the movement as a whole. After the first meeting with the Indonesian leaders which ended inconclusively, a second meeting was scheduled for November 23. However, the Indonesians said they were not able to attend and requested postponement. Foreign Office believes this is due to fact that council meeting of native leaders is to begin November 25 and leaders want to see what happens at this meeting before committing themselves in negotiations with British and Dutch. Bennett believes that door still open for some agreement. Foreign Office feels that Dutch statement of policy issued in Batavia early this month by Van Mook is reasonable and offers real basis for settlement if properly implemented. Present difficulty with Dutch is not so much with their policy as finally announced, but with attitude of mind of Dutch individuals concerned in carrying out the policy. Sterndale Bennett says it has apparently been very difficult for the Dutch quickly to change old habits of thinking on colonial matters and to recognize changed conditions in the postwar world.

Personal opinion was expressed by Bennett that it would be helpful for the US to approach the Dutch with a general expression of its interest in a broad-minded and positive approach to the problem. However, it was made clear that before replying officially to our inquiry re a possible US approach, it would be necessary for Sterndale Bennett to consult the Foreign Secretary. He promised to let us know official British attitude shortly.

  1. Latter not printed.