Records of the Office of the Political Adviser in Japan, Lot 57–F103, 800 Korea: Telegram
The Acting Political Adviser in Korea (Benninghoff) to the Acting Political Adviser in Japan, (Atcheson)
Tfgbi 86. Vice Consul Konstantinoff returned Seoul from Heijo 23 December bringing two carloads of chemicals requested US Forces in September. Shipment included 25 tons sulphate aluminum and [Page 1149] 9 tons chlorine. Balance shipment 25 sulphate aluminum, 41 tons chlorine and 3 tons fluid chlorine promised early January. When queried concerning possibility future transactions between US and Russian forces, Vice Consul stated, “I cannot say, but it is possible this is first swallow.” Vice Consul Konstantinoff broached subject of evacuation of Japanese refugees direct from Russian-occupied territory to port of Pusan. This headquarters indicated willingness to cooperate to mutual benefit both forces including evacuation Korean refugees direct from Pusan to northern Korea. Vice Consul requested we submit our proposals which would be taken up by Russian Consul with CG Soviet XXIV Army in Heijo.