740.00119 Control (Korea)/11–845: Telegram

The Acting Political Adviser in Korea (Langdon)23 to the Secretary of State

We have noted with satisfaction instructions sent to Embassy Moscow and trust we shall be kept currently informed of progress of negotiations. In this connection and with a view to strengthening our position here, we wish to know whether the Dept has any objection to our telling the Korean people now of the initiation of the negotiations and of their scope in broad outline. Should the Dept prefer [Page 1118] to control this news, we would appreciate being informed beforehand of the Dept’s proposed statements so that we may have time and word our statements accordingly.

Sent Chungking; repeated to Dept.

  1. William R. Langdon served as Acting Political Adviser in Korea from the time of his arrival at Seoul on October 20, Mr. Benninghoff having returned to the Department for consultation, and was designated as Political Adviser in Korea on December 18.