740.00119 Control (Korea)/10–2245

Report by the State-War-Navy Coordinating Subcommittee for the Far East

SWNCC 79/13

The Problem

1. To determine the policy of this Government regarding the structure and composition of a civil affairs administration in Korea prior to the establishment of an international trusteeship for Korea.

Facts Bearing on the Problem

2. See Appendix “A”.


3. See Appendix “B”.

[Page 1094]


4. The present zonal military occupation of Korea by United States and Soviet Forces should be superseded at the earliest possible date by a trusteeship for Korea, as described in SWNCC 101/1.4

5. Negotiations for a trusteeship should be initiated at once.

6. Pending the completion of such negotiations, immediate measures should be taken by the United States and the Soviet Governments to abolish the artificially established line between the two military forces and to centralize military occupation in order to lay the ground-work for a trusteeship. In addition to and supplementing these governmental measures, efforts should be made by the Commanding General of United States forces in Korea to attain the maximum possible coordination with the Soviet Commander through liaison on a military level. In organizing the administration of southern Korea under the directive previously issued to him, the commanding general should be advised of the desirability of arranging its structure so as to make it capable of being extended to the whole of Korea in agreement with the Russians.


7. It is recommended that:

This report be forwarded to the Joint Chiefs of Staff for comment from the military point of view; and
Upon approval by the SWNCC of the “Conclusions” in paragraphs 4, 5 and 6 above:
the report be transmitted to the Joint Chiefs of Staff and to the State, War and Navy Departments for their guidance and, where appropriate, for implementation; and
the report not be communicated to our Allies nor released to the press.

[Enclosure 1]

Appendix “A”

Facts Bearing on the Problem

1. General Order No. 1 (SWNCC 21/8), issued by the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers, states:

“The senior Japanese commanders and all ground, sea, air and auxiliary forces within Manchuria, Korea north of 38° north latitude and Karafuto shall surrender to the Commander-in-Chief of Soviet Forces in the Far East.”

[Page 1095]

“The Imperial General Headquarters, its senior commanders, and all ground, sea, air and auxiliary forces in the main islands of Japan, minor islands adjacent thereto, Korea south of 38° north latitude, and the Philippines shall surrender to the Commander-in-Chief, U.S. Army Forces in the Pacific.”

2. The Cairo Declaration states in part:

“The aforesaid three great powers, (United States, United Kingdom, China) mindful of the enslavement of the people of Korea, are determined that in due course Korea shall become free and independent.”

3. The Soviet Union in its declaration of war on Japan on 9 August 1945 states that:

“Loyal to its Allied duty, the Soviet Government has accepted the proposal of the Allies and has joined in the declaration of the Allied Powers of July 26.” (Potsdam Declaration).5

With reference to the Cairo Declaration, the Potsdam Declaration states:

“(8) The terms of the Cairo Declaration shall be carried out . . . . . . .”

4. In May, 1945, Generalissimo Stalin in conversation with Mr. Hopkins agreed to a four-power trusteeship. In June, 1945, it is understood that Dr. Soong, upon being informed by the President of our plan for a four-power trusteeship, gave his agreement. In September, 1945, an officer of the Department of State informed the British Embassy orally of our plans for a four-power trusteeship. No indication of the British Government’s attitude in this matter is on record.

[Enclosure 2]

Appendix “B”


SWNCC 101/1 recommends that an international trusteeship for Korea should be established as soon as practicable.
The existing division of Korea into two zones north and south of 38 degrees north latitude under control respectively of the Soviet Union and the United States, is the result of a decision reached between the United States and Soviet Chiefs of Staff in regard to operational zones of their respective forces. This division was adopted as an emergency measure for the limited purposes of receiving [Page 1096] Japanese surrenders and of disarming and demobilizing enemy forces. Its continuance would severely handicap the establishment of an effective centralized trusteeship having as its objective an independent Korea based on the freely-expressed will of the Korean people.
In order to terminate the present division of Korea into two zones and to facilitate the inauguration of a centralized trusteeship for Korea, negotiations for such a trusteeship should be pressed at once. In the event of the unwillingness of any of the powers to participate in such agreement, the agreement should be concluded among the remaining interested powers. Immediate measures should be taken by the United States and the Soviet Union to abolish the artificially-established line between the two forces and to centralize military occupation in order to lay the groundwork for a trusteeship. Such measures should be accomplished so far as possible by liaison on a military level and should also be directly related to the negotiations for a trusteeship. In organizing the administration of southern Korea under the directive previously issued to him, the commanding general should seek so to arrange its structure as to make it capable of having its authority extended to the whole of Korea in agreement with the Russians.
  1. As amended by SWNCC 79/2, October 20, at the request of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. The report was approved by the State-War-Navy Coordinating Committee on October 22 and a copy transmitted the same day to the Secretary of State with a recommendation “that the report not be communicated to our Allies nor released to the press”. (740.00119 Control (Korea)/10–2245)
  2. Entitled A Temporary International Authority in Korea, dated September 11, 1945. With revisions, it was approved by SWNCC 101/4, p. 1096.
  3. Issued on July 26, 1945, by the Heads of Government of the United States, the United Kingdom, and China; for text, see Foreign Relations, The Conference of Berlin (The Potsdam Conference), 1945, vol. ii, p. 1474.