894.30/10–2045: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Harriman)

2197. Please deliver the following message to Molotov:

“Replying to your message of October 19,48 I agree to the disposition of the Japanese fleet suggested by you and am advising the foreign ministers of the United Kingdom and China49 of your suggestions and my agreement with your suggestions.

With reference to the merchant marine of Japan, I am advised that what is left of the merchant marine of Japan is necessary for the evacuation of Japanese from the islands they sought to conquer and from the mainland of China to Japan. The available ships will probably be needed for some time. No plans have been made for the disposition of the Japanese merchant marine and we will be glad to discuss with you and our other Allies plans for a long range distribution of these ships.”

  1. See telegram 2199, October 22, noon, to Moscow, p. 996.
  2. Ernest Bevin and Wang Shih-chieh, respectively.