740.00116 P.W./10–1745: Telegram

The Chargé in the United Kingdom (Gallman) to the Secretary of State

10874. From Hodgson. Refer Emb cable 10706, October 13 and Department’s 9132, October 15. According to report of Acting Secretary General of War Crimes Commission who attended meeting at [Page 946] War Office with Lord Wright on October 16, Major General Viscount Bridgeman52 informed about 20 persons who attended meeting as representatives of British and Dominion offices concerning US plans for the trial of major Japanese war criminals. Bridgeman stated that information was received from British Military Mission in Washington. British and Dominion Offices were to prepare lists of major Japanese war criminals which lists will be combined and made an Empire list. Representative of Foreign Office submitted tentative Foreign Office list of 20 major Japanese war criminals all of whom were generals or admirals with one exception.

Meeting tentatively decided that with exception of major Japanese war criminals who will be charged before International Military Tribunal all other Japanese war criminals should be classified minor war criminals. Attorney General wanted at least 500 minor cases to be finally disposed of before July 31, 1946. Meeting decided that trials of minor cases should proceed without delay as soon as accused were in custody and cases were ready.

Establishment of a central registry similar to Crowcass was discussed and it was tentatively decided that such a registry should be established at Singapore or Manila. It was also decided either to send Colonel Palfrey of Crowcass to Orient to set up Japanese central registry or to have Palfrey train group of British officers at Crowcass for this purpose. It was believed that UK and Dominions should actively participate in setting up and running Japanese registry and that Crowcass system should not be completely adopted for Japanese registry inasmuch as codes and indexes would have to be different and one of principal values of Japanese registry would be in keeping records of witnesses who had departed.

Mentioned decisions of meeting are tentative and subject to change. Other meetings will be held soon but no dates have been set. Did not attend meeting. Acting Secretary General and Lord Wright represented War Crimes Commission.

Information about meeting indicates that UK and Dominions are preparing in London single plan for Japanese war criminals. In case it is considered advisable before mentioned plans are finally fixed to attempt to mold and coordinate them with US plans or in any event to fully acquaint British with US plans it is recommended that either sufficient information be forwarded to permit of informal and separate discussions of all phases of subject with several British offices or that representative in possession of requisite information proceed to London to informally talk with interested British and Dominion offices about subject.

[Page 947]

Full report also being cabled to the Judge Advocate General of the Army.53 [Hodgson.]

  1. British Deputy Adjutant-General.
  2. Maj. Gen. Myron C. Cramer.