740.00119 PW/8–2545
The Acting Secretary of State to the Australian Minister (Eggleston)
My Dear Mr. Minister: I acknowledge the receipt of your note of August 25, 1945 (No. 401/45)32 with which you enclosed the full text of a press statement issued by Dr. Evatt on August 24, 1945.33 Your letter states that the Australian Government is most anxious to secure immediately from the Japanese not only complete lists of Australian and other Allied prisoners of war and civilian internees but also records and evidence of their treatment during custody.
I have brought your letter to the attention of the appropriate United States authorities and requested them to be sure that all information which comes into their hands about Australian prisoners of war and civilian internees and their treatment be furnished to the Australian authorities in the field or be given to the Department of State for transmission to you.
You may be sure that any evidence of atrocities or other violations of international conventions and breaches of the rules of warfare will be made available to the officials of the United Nations who are responsible for the prosecution of war crimes.
[Page 937]Thank you very much for giving me the full text of the press statement of August 24, 1945.
Sincerely yours,