740.00119 Control(Japan)/10–2045
The Secretary of State to the Australian Minister (Eggleston)
Sir: I have the honor to refer to your note no. 473/45 of October 20, 1945, containing a proposal regarding the use of British Commonwealth occupation forces in Japan and to inform you that the United States Government accepts in principle the participation in the occupation of Japan of British Commonwealth forces and will be pleased to enter into conversations with representatives of the Australian Government with a view to defining the conditions under which that participation will take place.
In general, the United States Government envisages that the Commonwealth forces so provided will be integrated operationally into United States forces under the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers; that they will be balanced and self-supporting; that the maintenance of these forces will be the responsibility of the Commonwealth; and that the Supreme Commander will utilize these forces in any area or manner which in his opinion the military situation may require.
I shall not fail to communicate further with you in this connection in the very near future and in the meantime would appreciate information as to the identity of the Australian representatives who will be named to discuss the participation of the Commonwealth forces.
Accept [etc.]