740.00119 PW/8–1245
Memorandum by the Director of the Office of Far Eastern Affairs (Ballantine) to Mr. Eugene H. Dooman, Special Assistant to the Assistant Secretary of State (Dunn)
Mr. Balfour,66 of the British Embassy, called and left with me the attached text of a telegram from Mr. Bevin to Mr. Balfour containing a draft of surrender terms.67
Mr. Balfour said that this draft was tentative as it had not yet cleared with the Chiefs of Staff and with the Dominion Governments but represented in general the views of the British Government. He said that the British Government attached great importance to having the text and procedure settled and desire an opportunity to clear with the Dominion Governments before action and publication.
I told him that I would see that the document reached our military authorities promptly.
He read me also a telegram from the Foreign Office quoting the text (somewhat garbled) of a telegram sent by the Prime Minister to the President in which it was stated that the Prime Minister was in general accord with the procedure which the President proposed and designated Admiral Sir Bruce Austin Fraser as the British representative.