711.94114A/6–2845: Telegram

The Minister in Switzerland (Harrison) to the Secretary of State

3349. Am[erican] Interests—Jap. Legtel 3129, June 11.69 Notice June 20 from FonOff states Gorgé instructed Apr 1 [on] request British Leg Bern intervene Jap authorities following matters: 1, right visit camps all areas protecting Power and Intercross; 2, prompt notifications; 3, removal camps from industrial areas and neighborhood military objectives.

In recent telegram Gorgé replied no response Jap FonOff his numerous interventions. Notwithstanding absence results, Gorgé will continue insist and hopes obtain better result in examining these problems directly with Suzuki to whom he has written personal letter. However, Gorgé of opinion Jap authorities will maintain their negative attitude until torpedoing of Awa Maru70 settled by American Govt to satisfaction Jap Govt.71

Notice June 26 gives following summary Gorgé’s interview June 16 Suzuki: Suzuki recently discussed with Jap Minister War72 and convinced FonOff doing all possible aid Gorgé but negotiations between FonOff and military authorities subject difficulties. Interview concerned principally following which Gorgé discussed at length: 1, visit POW camps; 2, location POW camps near military objectives.

Regarding 1, Suzuki seemed anxious satisfy recent personal interventions Gorgé and assured latter camp visits could doubtless be resumed near future. Suzuki stated suspension visits result reorganization camps now under way. Numerous transfers have occurred, but Suzuki apparently possessed no details their regard.

Under these circumstances Gorgé not aware whether certain camps closed and others established but he hopes soon receive information [Page 351] this regard. Personally he believes other reasons explain present discontinuance visits, particularly fact military authorities do not desire Swiss delegates visit camps near zones object of bombing.

Regarding 2, states Gorgé would soon receive Jap reply to representations behalf US, Great Britain which Swiss Legation will telegraph when received.

  1. Not printed; it stated that according to Foreign Office note of June 8, “Swiss Minister Tokyo again contacted Minister Togo May 30 in endeavor obtain authorization visit POW camp”. (711.94114A/6–1145)
  2. For documentation on this subject, see telegram 1396, April 10, to Bern, p. 462, and succeeding messages.
  3. On August 24, the Delegation to the United States of the International Committee of the Red Cross quoted, for the information of the Department, from a letter of July 16 from Geneva headquarters, as follows: “The Japanese authorities have repeatedly informed us that owing to the torpedoing of the Awa Maru, prisoner of war camp visits by Delegates of the International Committee of the Red Cross were to be held in abeyance. We were unable to convince the Japanese Authorities of our opinion that POW camp visits by the International Committee bore no relationship to the sinking of a vessel transporting relief.” The letter also cited a Japanese spokesman as stating “he regretted the impasse reached in relief activities due to the Awa Maru case, as the USA government’s reply was considered unsatisfactory and not conducive to an early mutually acceptable settlement”. (711.94114 Supplies/8–2445)
  4. Gen. Korechika Anami.