150 Barred Zones/42
The Acting Secretary of State to the Chairman, Committee on Immigration and Naturalization, House of Representatives (Dickstein)
My Dear Mr. Dickstein: I refer to my letter to you of February 9, 1945 in which I stated that the enactment of legislation such as H.E. 173 would remove an outstanding inequity in American immigration and naturalization laws and one which causes bitter resentment against the United States by the people of India.
You will be interested in learning in this connection that the Department has now received strong representations in support of this legislation from Sir Girja Bajpai, the Agent General for India in Washington. The Department has also received a telegram dated February 26, 1945 from the American Commissioner to India, New Delhi, advising the Department that sentiment in India may preclude the extension of reciprocal trade treatment to the United States in the absence of such legislation.
Sincerely yours,