741.92/12–2745: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Winant)

11088. Brit Embassy has submitted revised text of Heads Agreement and Annex65 which they believe correct. Dept has requested deletion of “Military” Annex new Clause 766 as contrary to Brit-US understanding that this Clause relates United Maritime Authority.

Dept has also requested deletion “in the preceding Clause” at end of Agreement new combined Clause C 1.67

Sent to London. Repeated to AmPolAd, Bangkok.

  1. On December 22.
  2. This clause read: “To place Siamese merchant vessels primarily to meet the civil requirements of Siam under the direction of the competent Allied military authorities until 2nd March 1946 or until such earlier date as may be fixed for the cessation of Allied pooling arrangements.”
  3. This clause read: “Recognize that the course of events in the war with Japan demonstrates the importance of Siam to the defence of Malaya, Burma, India and Indo-China and the security of the Indian Ocean and South-West Pacific areas, and agree to collaborate fully in all international security arrangements approved by the United Nations Organization or its Security Council which may be pertinent to Siam and especially such international security arrangements as may relate to countries or areas specified in the preceding clause.”