740.00119 EW/10–1545: Telegram
Mr. Alexander C. Kirk, Political Adviser to the Supreme Allied Commander, Mediterranean Theater, to the Secretary of State
[Received 4:32 p.m.]
3892. Our 3868 October 12 [13], 9 a.m. and Department’s 894 October 14 is reference, meeting at AFHQ to consider McNarney’s reply to the War Department concerning advisability publication Italian armistice terms decided to recommend to Acting SAC (Supreme Allied Commander) that agreed opinion of Allied military authorities AFHQ is that there are no purely military objections to publication of armistice terms if such publication is considered desirable politically. The view was taken that publication would be acceptable in Italy and would not result in military repercussions affecting AFHQ. Lush representing Allied Commission, presented memoranda described in Rome’s 3086 of October 14. Meeting decided to recommend to Acting SAC that his attention be invited to advisability of consultation with Italian Government in effort to have initiative for publication come from Italians and also desirability simultaneous publication Macmillan’s aide-mémoire February 24, 1945 (Fan 487)87 and a summary of Fan 583, [Tarn] 640 and other modifying directives. In addition it was decided to recommend desirability of an agreed commentary on progressive modification of existing procedure. British Admiralty representative stipulated that in event publication Cunningham-De Courten agreement those portions of that agreement which are unpalatable to the Italian Government are essential and must not be left out of any published version.
At meeting we stressed importance of consultation with Italian Government and their taking initiative. We also expressed view that some form of agreed commentary was highly desirable which would point out how harshness of original terms had been alleviated and terms which had not been applied.
With reference to Department’s statement under consideration we feel that any expression indicating US support of early revision of [Page 1069] armistice terms could not but cause favorable reaction with regard to American position in Italy.