
The Italian Minister for Foreign Affairs (De Gasperi) to the American Ambassador in Italy (Kirk)62a

Dear Ambassador: I draw your close attention to the enclosed Memorandum63 which intends to show the urgency and necessity of a revision of the economic and financial clauses of the Convention of Armistice.64

While warmly begging you to submit it to the consideration of your Government, I take the liberty of pointing out to you once again that an intervention of the United Nations directed to the implementing of a practical program of economic recovery of Italy cannot be further delayed.

[Page 992]

From the data, contained in the Memorandum, you will readily realize all the gravity of the present economic and financial situation which threatens to plunge Italy into a crisis of unprecedented magnitude and duration.

I am furthering a copy of this Memorandum to Admiral Stone65 at the Allied Commission and I fully trust, as always, in your friendly and authoritative support for a speedy and favourable examination of the Italian requests.

Believe me, cordially yours

[File copy not signed]
  1. Copy transmitted to the Department in despatch 858, January 26, from Rome; received February 6.
  2. Not printed.
  3. i. e., the Instrument of Surrender (Additional Conditions of Armistice), September 29, 1943, Treaties and Other International Acts Series No. 1604: 61 Stat. (pt. 3) 2742.
  4. Adm. Ellery W. Stone, Chief Commissioner of Allied Commission.