865.00/9–1145: Telegram

The Ambassador in Italy (Kirk) to the Secretary of State

2660. I presented to Parri today observations contained in Dept’s 1528, Sept 6, on desirability of starting local elections in Italy immediately. He said that it would be necessary to place these observations before the Council of Ministers which would probably meet tomorrow and he would then be able to make a reply on behalf of his Govt.

Parri added that he could give assurance that his Govt was most anxious that elections should be held as soon as possible but that with a 6-party govt it was extremely difficult not only to agree on the electoral machinery but also on choice of localities where elections should be held first as each party feared that initial voting would result in a local victory for a rival party. He also said that selection for election of provinces first turned back to Italians was not altogether feasible as preparations in certain of these localities were not so far advanced as in areas subsequently returned to Italian administration.

Sent Dept, repeated Caserta 597.
