661.6431/10–1345: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Representative in Hungary (Schoenfeld)
534. Reurtels 714 Oct 5 and 719 Oct 6, Deptel 536 Oct. 13.11 Dept, thinks it would be inadvisable for you to indicate to Hungarians any support for refusal to ratify economic collaboration agreement, US cannot of course assume responsibility independently to make up economic losses Hungary might suffer as a result of Soviet reprisals or make commitments at this time to supply goods, capital or technical aid which are provided for by Soviet-Hungarian agreement.
If Hungarian officials should approach you again, it would be preferable not to go beyond general statements you have already made.
Telegram will follow12 giving Dept. views on relation to present situation of US-Hungarian treaty of friendship commerce and consular rights of 1926.13