740.00119 EW/5–1145
The Department of State to the Belgian Embassy
The Department of State refers to the Belgian Embassy’s Memorandum No. 2938 of May 11, 1945, reference D.8443–13 proposing that certain arrangements be made with a view to removing from Germany materials necessary for the restoration of Belgian economy.
The United States Government has carefully examined the question of deliveries of stores of raw materials, equipment and products of all kinds necessary for the restoration of the economy of Belgium. The importance of this question is recognized, as well as the desirability of establishing machinery which would permit such a flow of products without prejudice to final settlement on either reparation or restitution account. Although the problem of deliveries is currently complicated by the redeployment of troops as the occupying powers become established in their final zones of occupation, and the question of devising appropriate Allied representation is tied up with the change in military command now in progress, the United States Government hopes that procedures for an interim flow of goods on reparation and restitution account will quickly be developed and put into operation.