Paris Embassy Files: Lot 55–F139 Box 2, File 631
The French Chargé (Lacoste) to the Secretary of State 92
Mr. Secretary of State: The Provisional Government of the French Republic and the Government of the United States have just entered upon an exchange of notes relative to the measures which it would be expedient to take by common accord to assure the development of world production, the maximum employment of available labor and, generally, the increase in the purchasing power of the masses. On entering upon this exchange of notes, the French Government wished to re-affirm its full agreement with the Government of the United States concerning the policy which it is expedient to pursue in the matter. It merely recalled its intention, already expressed through the provisions of Article VII of the Agreement of February 28, 1945,93 of seeking with the Government of the United States the proper means for putting this common action into operation. I wish, however, to point out that the effective contribution of France to an expansion of world trade will depend chiefly upon the opportunities given her to undertake and to accomplish the reconstruction and the modernization of her agricultural and industrial economy. The French Government therefore proposes that, before entering into negotiations relative to customs barriers and commercial policy, our two Governments undertake together an inquiry into the total needs of France and the resources which are at present available, or may be rendered available, [Page 771] to place France in a position to participate in the orderly development of international trade.
I should appreciate it if you would be good enough, to inform me as soon as possible of your Government’s consent to this proposal.
Please accept [etc.]