
The Danish Minister (Kauffmann) to the Assistant Secretary of State (Clayton)

Dear Mr. Clayton: Thank you for your letter of May 8th.77 In the meantime you have received Mr. Burling’s letter of May 19th78 and detailed material concerning international sales.

During my week in Denmark I conferred with the owners of the requisitioned Danish vessels as well as the members of my Government. [Page 589] It was helpful to be able to report that at last it is recognized that the compensation for the ships should be based upon the international sales in 1941.

The owners had prepared their estimate of the value of the vessels, which is set out in the enclosed “Voucher A”.79

The decision to seek a lump sum settlement through the State Department was confirmed as well as my authority to reach an agreement with you along the lines that we have discussed.

I therefore very much hope that I may hear from you before long.

Most sincerely yours,

Henrick Kauffmann
  1. Not printed; it acknowledged receipt of the Danish Minister’s letter of May 4, 1945, and promised sympathetic study of the Danish position (859.85/5–445).
  2. Not printed. Edward B. Burling was a member of the firm of Covington, Burling, Rublee, Acheson and Shorb of Washington, D. C., and was serving as legal counsel for the Danish Minister.
  3. Not printed.