
Mr. Samuel Reber, on the Staff of the Political Adviser, Supreme Headquarters, Allied Expeditionary Force, to the Assistant Secretary of State (Dunn)31

Dear Jimmy: General Dewing, Head of the SHAEF Mission to Denmark, now in London, addressed a communication on February 20 [Page 569] to Mr. Buhl, leader of the Danish Freedom Council, sending him a memorandum33 relating to lessons learned in the reorganization of French and Belgian resistance, and informing him that the Supreme Commander’s34 policy in general is to facilitate the early disbandment of resistance personnel after completion of their operational duties, and that the responsibility for the policy governing reorganization and for its execution rests entirely in the hands of the Royal Danish Government. The communication also states further certain requirements concerning frontier guards, etc.

This communication was sent by General Dewing to Mr. Buhl through secret channels without prior consultation here at SHAEF, which, in fact, learned of it only after the letter had been sent, a copy of which was made available a few days ago for comment. I pointed out that while in general there would seem to be no objection to informing members of the Danish Resistance Movement of the requirements of the Supreme Commander, I was nevertheless of the opinion that an official communication of this nature addressed to an individual raised an important political issue since it was open to the interpretation that the individual in question had received some form of recognition from the Supreme Commander as head of the future Danish Government. I further pointed out that insofar as I was aware, no directive which would indicate that this was the policy of the United States and British Governments had been received from the Combined Chiefs of Staff or the Governments. It was my understanding that both governments had recognized as the appropriate channels for dealing with Danish matters the two ministers in Washington and London.

I have now received a further memorandum on the subject which raises certain political questions on which your guidance is requested as soon as possible. I enclose a copy of this memorandum35 and would be grateful for an early expression of your views, as I am without any information in regard to the Danish problem. It may shortly become an urgent matter with the developing campaign.

All best wishes

Yours sincerely

Sam Reber
  1. Mr. Reber was political officer for France and other liberated countries.
  2. It is not indicated from where this letter was written. SHAEF Rear at this time was in London and SHAEF Main at Versailles.
  3. Not found in Department files.
  4. Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower, Supreme Commander, Allied Expeditionary Force.
  5. Not printed; this memorandum of March 22 by Brig. Gen. Arthur S. Nevins, Chief of the Operations Section, G–3 (Operations) Division, SHAEF, proposed that the next SHAEF-approved communication to Mr. Buhl contain a statement to the effect that such communications pertain to military resistance only and imply no approval of his political position (859.01/3–2445).