875.01/11–2445: Telegram

The Acting Representative in Albania ( Fultz ) to the Secretary of State

202. Reference Department’s 109, November 15, 9 p.m. Follows text of Hoxha note reply to Department’s suggestion regarding treaties.

“In connection with modification69 which you made in the note addressed on November 11, 1945 in so far as it pertains to the provision on treaties, I have the honor to explain the point of view of my Government in this matter.

The Albanian Democratic Government at all times is disposed to act, in so far as it pertains to the treaties made with Foreign States by previous Governments within the laws which were enacted by the Congress of Representatives of the people in Permeti on May 24, 194470 which states:

‘All the agreements with the Foreign States, political and economic, which were made by the Government of Zog to the disadvantage of the Albanian people are to be canceled and new treaties drawn.’

We believe that such matters are connected with international laws as these are affected by conditions created by the anti-Fascist world war. On the other side we hope that this case could not cause the delay in establishing diplomatic relations between our two countries, the agreement to which will hasten very much the examining of the treaties which may exist between our two States. Signed, Enver Hoxha, Prime Minister”

Original and translation forwarded with despatch No. 125 November 24.71 Repeated to Caserta as 247.

  1. Telegram 199, November 18, 6 p.m. from Tirana, reported that the information in Department’s telegram 109, November 15, to Tirana (p. 71), had been conveyed to General Hoxha in a written communication dated November 17 (875.01/11–1845).
  2. Despatch 125, November 24, from Tirana, stated that it was believed that the laws referred to as enacted in Permeti on May 25, 1944 were in fact resolutions adopted at the time (875.01/11–2445).
  3. Despatch 125 not printed.