Memorandum of Conversation, by Mr. Francis T. Williamson of the Division of Central European Affairs
Dr. Červenka14 called the attention of this division to a press release issued by the Overseas News Agency on September 26, 1945 which stated that action by the Export-Import Bank on the Czechoslovak application for a loan had been suspended on the advice of Ambassador Steinhardt until the Czechoslovak nationalization program was clarified. Dr. Červenka asked for an official explanation.
[Page 553]I replied that I had not seen the Overseas News Agency release but told Dr. Červenka that it was my understanding that the negotiations for an Export-Import Bank loan were proceeding. I further added that the Department of State could not censor the items which appeared in the American press.
(It will be noted that the press release of the Overseas News Agency of September 26 gave the substance of the interchange of views contained in Ambassador Steinhardt’s telegram 314 September 5 and the Department’s reply no. 218 of September 12.15)