The Czechoslovak Ministry for Foreign Affairs to the American Embassy in Czechoslovakia 99
With reference to the last paragraph of the Aide-Mémoire of the Department of State of June 29, 1945 which was handed over to the Czechoslovak Embassy at Washington, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs desire to state that the agreement in respect of exposed motion picture films, which was effected by exchange of notes on May 18, 1938, is considered by the Czechoslovak Government as terminated.
The Czechoslovak Government are principally in agreement with the stipulations laid down in the draft of a note from the Department of State which was attached to the Aide-Mémoire mentioned and which provides for the establishment of a regime of general most-favoured-nation treatment pending the conclusion of a treaty of Friendship and Commerce or a new Trade Agreement.
However, it is suggested that article 3 of the proposed note be left out, as the interests of the American exporters and importers are fully covered in this regard by the general principals of the most-favoured-nation treatment provided for by the note proposed by the Department of State. On the other side it is proposed that article 10 of the draft be extended by the inclusion of points /1/ and /6/ of Article XV of the terminated Trade Agreement of 7th March 1938. Point 1 relates to prohibitions or restrictions with regard to public security, point 6 to prohibitions or restrictions applied to products which, as regards production or trade, are or may in future be subject within the country to State monopoly or to monopolies exercised under State control.
- Transmitted to the Department in despatch 100, September 14, 1945, from Prague; received September 27.↩