860F.01/6–1445: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Chargé in Czechoslovakia (Klieforth)
32. Questions raised your 18 June 1432 and despatch 3 June 533 concerning occupation Glatz salient (Kladsko) also presented to Brit. Brit reply delivered Zecho FonOff June 18 acknowledged receipt of note and made no observations except to note with satisfaction proposed Zecho action would not prejudice settlement final questions of sovereignty and that until final settlement made on disposition of enemy territory, area would remain subject to supreme authority of Allied Control Council in Germany.
If Zecho contention true that area is now occupied and administered by Provisional Polish Govt, it raises important question similar to Polish occupation and admin other Silesian territory.34 Can you ascertain if Polish occupation has taken place formally in name of Provisional Govt?
You may base reply to FonOff35 on following summary: US acknowledges receipt note of May 31 announcing intention to occupy Kladsko and does not object in principle if other powers represented on Allied Control Council in Germany interpose no objection to such temporary occupation pending the final agreed settlement between all powers concerned. US policy recognizes 1937 frontiers Germany which included Kladsko (Glatz) salient. US does not agree with Zecho statement that end of war operations a desirable time for making frontier changes. Supreme authority over enemy area lies in Allied Control Council and no alteration can be made without assent of all members of Council. US has no objection if local admin in Soviet area of occupation is entrusted as matter of convenience to indigenous [Page 518] Polish officials. Similarly US does not object to use of indigenous Zecho officials administering territory in Soviet area of occupation. Formal action, however, in occupying enemy territory in name of Prov Polish Govt or Zecho Govt in areas assigned to Soviet army for occupation can not be approved without previous consultation and agreement of nations represented on Control Council in Germany and will be construed as unilateral action by occupying power disregarding agreement36 signed concerning control machinery and occupation of Germany.
For your secret info US position depends on nature of Polish action. US favors Zecho occupation Kladsko in view of historic territorial claims as well as ethnic and strategic considerations, and will probably not object to permanent rectification favorable to Zecho. Can you comment?
Sent to Praha as 32; repeated to Moscow as 1484.
- Not printed; it reported that Czechoslovak Acting Minister for Foreign Affairs Clementis, in an address on June 13, had stated that the Czechoslovak Government would submit a proposal to the Allies for rectification of the Czechoslovak-German frontier in the Hlutschin [Hlubčicko], Ratiboř, and Kladsko regions (860F.01/6–1445).↩
- See footnote 16, p. 513.↩
- For documentation regarding the interest of the United States in the determination of the frontiers of Poland, see vol. v, pp. 110 ff., especially pp. 198–298, passim. ↩
- In his telegram 67, July 9, 4 p.m., the Chargé” in Czechoslovakia reported delivery to Czechoslovak Foreign Office of reply as instructed (860F.014/7–945).↩
- For text of the agreement between the United States, the United Kingdom, and the Soviet Union on Control Machinery in Germany, signed at London November 14, 1944, and the amending agreement between the United States, the United Kingdom, the Soviet Union, and the Provisional Government of the French Republic, see Department of State, Treaties and Other International Acts Series No. 3070, or United States Treaties and Other International Agreements, vol. 5 (pt. 2), p. 2062.↩