740.0011 EW/5–1445
Memorandum by the Acting Secretary of State to President Truman
I have been informed informally by the War Department that the United States lines in Czechoslovakia extend from a point west of Carlsbad south through the Sudeten area to Pilsen and then southeast to the Austrian frontier at a point a few miles west of Budweis. The American occupation includes Pilsen and extends northeast nine miles beyond that city to a point less than forty miles from Prague. I am also informed that the United States forces are at present withdrawing in Czechoslovakia although there are no specific orders from SHAEF to do so. The withdrawal is being made by Commanders under general orders to make “local adjustments”.
In view of the important political considerations advanced in the memorandum of May 5, a copy of which is attached,1, I earnestly recommend that you consider requesting the Joint Chiefs of Staff to instruct SHAEF through proper channels to hold the line in Czechoslovakia that our troops now occupy, including the city of Pilsen.