
Memorandum of Conversation, by the Acting Chief of the Division of Southern European Affairs (Reber)

Participants: General Vladimir Stoichev, Bulgarian Political Representative;
Mr. Athanassov, Secretary to General Stoichev;
Mr. Reber and
Mr. Barbour, SE.21

General Stoichev called today at his own request to inquire the [Page 398] Department’s impression of the elections in Bulgaria which took place on November 18.

In the course of the conversation which ensued, the General was informed that we have been happy to note the indication contained in the Bulgarian Government’s note in reply to our communication of November 16 to the effect that the Bulgarian Government contemplates its reorganization to include other democratic elements. We also stated that we will be happy to advise the General when we formulate a reply to this latest Bulgarian communication but that it is too early to say at present what that reply might contain or when it may be transmitted which will obviously depend on our further appraisal of the situation in the light of subsequent developments and such further information in that regard as we receive from Bulgaria.

Mr. Athanassov inquired specifically as to Mr. Ethridge’s findings, obviously hoping that those findings might be favorable to the present Government. He was informed that while Mr. Ethridge had not submitted a final report, our note to the Bulgarian Government was predicated upon Mr. Ethridge’s impressions as reported in several telegrams.

Mr. Athanassov further pointed out the obvious material advantages of recognition of the Bulgarian Government at an early date, such as increased commercial exchange, etc. We reiterated our frequently expressed desire to accomplish recognition and conclude peace at the earliest opportunity but stressed the obligations we had assumed toward the Bulgarian people at Yalta and the importance in this connection that the Bulgarian Government cooperate in our efforts to achieve conditions there consistent with those obligations.

S[amuel] R[eber]
  1. Walworth Barbour, Associate Chief of the Division of Southern European Affairs.